What We Know Right Now about changes to the HPD Open Standard in Version 3.0 due out in early 2025.
The building industry’s major content disclosure standard is heading for a major update in early 2025. Here’s what Parallel’s VP Operations and Co-Chair of the HPD Technical Subgroup on Third Party Programs, Rebecca Backer, learned recently about changes to expect for the HPD 3.0 Standard.
Notes on Publication and Expiration
New HPDs may be published or updated using an outdated Major Version for up to one year following the release date of the subsequent Major Version of the Standard. However, any HPD using an outdated Major Version will expire three years after the Release Date of the subsequent Major Version.
So, an HPD using v2.3 (the current version) after Version 3.0 is released, will expire three years after the v3 release date.
What to Look Out For
Interesting changes that are coming include:
Automating residuals and impurities reporting
Standardizing the product type classification / CSI classification
EU-specific HPDs
Limited view of hazards as compared to standard HPD
Will show only CASRN or EC Number
Will only report on EU Regulatory Lists: EU SVHC, ChemSec - SIN List, and EU GHS (H-Statements)
Consistent HPD Unique IDs!!! This is especially important for 3E x mM passports. When you renew an HPD, the ID won't change (it currently does change)
Adding Design for Freedom survey to support Grace Farms / social health and equity (for information gathering purposes only; results will inform a Social Equity certification that is coming in the near future)
Updates to Polymer Special Condition
Updates to Reporting Metal Alloy Special Condition
Special condition will be transparent about the HAZARD the RISK associated with the BM-1 chemicals that are typically found in metal alloys (i.e. high hazard but low risk of exposure because the BM-1 chemical is locked in the matrix)
As always, reach out to your Parallel teammates for specific guidance for your products, data management support, and further insights. Say hello@workinparallel.com.